Under Construction - Little Girl's Quilted Jacket

Way back in the '80s, as a young mom I sewed quilted jackets for my first several children.

The Little Sister Log Cabin Jacket and Vest Book provided patterns and instructions. (Of course it's long out of print, but you can easily find used copies. Just make sure the pattern pieces are included.)

We loved those jackets. My little ones wore them often, but they held up well. And you know what? We still have all three. What fun it is to see my granddaughters wearing their mother's jacket!

Kara's original jacket is showing it's age, though, and I've thought for quite a while that an update was due.

Plus, wouldn't it be fun for each of her four girls to have a jacket made with her own tastes in mind?

So, after thinking about this for several years, this Christmas I'm hoping to pull it off. This week I'm expecting a lovely shipment of new fabrics to round out ones I've pulled from my small, but growing, "stash."

While waiting for the rest of the fabrics, I started on the first jacket. This one has a hummingbird theme. That fabric with blue, green, and pink has little hummingbirds on it.

Sleeves and back - pieced, but not quilted or cut to shape

The front of the jacket is a place where the maker can get creative. I decided to highlight hummingbirds here. So I paper-pieced four birds like this guy:

I'll set the hummers with white squares alternately, and use sashing to set off these blocks.

Maybe you can imagine the front with melon-colored sashing between the blocks?

Front - minus sashing

I have a good ways to go on this one before she's done, but it's been fun getting started!

Now to wait patiently for the delivery off all the rest of my fabrics for the other three!
